The movie’s post-production and filming are over, and its producers have declared that it will have its theatrical debut on June 21st. The backdrop of the film is a village. In this movie, Sai Dhanshika plays a housewife. The cast of the film includes Deepu, Satya Prakash, Ganesh Venkatraman, Chitram Sreenu, Vimala Raman, and Naga Mahesh, who plays a significant role. The film is being worked on by N Sudhakar Reddy, a cinematographer, Koti, a music director, Garry BH, an editor, and others.
The standout part in this movie will be played by Amit Tiwari. Movie Title : Niyamam ente kaiyilantu
Banner : Sri Siddi Vinayaka Movie Makers
Cast : Sai Dhanshika, Vimala Raman, Ganesh Venkat Raman, Sathya Praksh
Director : A.Abhiramu
Music : Koti
Cinematography : N. Sudhakar Reddy
Editor : Garry B H
Producer : D.Rajeswara Rao
Sai Dhansika’s “Niyamam ente kaiyilantu” set to release on June 21st.