On June 9 in Bengaluru, the body of Renukasawamy, a 33-year-old car driver, was discovered close to an overpass. Karnataka Police detained actor ;Darshan’ on June 11 after two days. According to the investigation, ‘Renukasawamy’ led a group that kidnapped and killed ;Renukasawamy.’
It was discovered that Renukasawamy had allegedly made disparaging remarks about Pavitra Gowda on social media and accused her of dividing Darshan and his wife.
Under the guise of a meeting with ‘Darshan’, one of the accused, Raghavendra, a fan club member in Chitradurga, lured Renukasawamy to a shed in RR Nagar. ‘Renukasawamy’ was slain and tortured in this location. According to the investigation, ‘Darshan’ physically attacked the victim.
Twelve of ‘Darshan’s associates, along with ‘Pavithra Gowda’, have been taken into custody in relation to the murder. The police custody of the actor Pavithra and others was extended by a Bengaluru court on Saturday for an additional five days, until June 20.
‘Renuka Swamy’ Murder Investigation
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