Director Harish Shankar’s career seems to be uncertain following the major failure of “Mr. Bachchan,” starring Ravi Teja. Despite his efforts to convince top actors, he’s reportedly struggling to secure his next project. Many believe that Hari Shankar has lost his touch with storytelling, especially in terms of plot, narration, and screenplay, likely due to poor content judgment. His much-anticipated film “Ustad Bhagat Singh” with Pawan Kalyan is in limbo, with Kalyan occupied by political commitments and the completion of “Hari Hara Veeramallu.” Hari Shankar’s only potential project appears to be a collaboration with Ram Pothineni, though its prospects also seem doubtful. At this critical point in his career, Harish Shankar is reminded that content is key. As the saying goes, “There are no bad stories in the World, there are only bad narrators.”
“Hari Shankar” has lost his touch with storytelling,