Recently, the Tamil Film Producers Council made serious allegations against actor ‘Dhanush’ and also targeted ‘Vishal’. They declared that any producer wanting to make a movie with ‘Dhanush’ must first consult with the council. This development has sent shockwaves through the Tamil film industry. The Nadigar Sangam (Actors’ Guild) has also taken this matter seriously and responded accordingly. The council has imposed new regulations stating that no film featuring Dhanush can commence production without their approval. This rule is not exclusive to Dhanush but applies to all other Hero’s as well.Hero’s who have taken an advance from producers are now required to honor their commitment to that film before moving on to other projects. This raises the question: Can the Telugu Film Producers Council and Film Chamber adopt similar aggressive measures as seen in the Tamil industry? Do they have the guts to implement such rules? The answer remains uncertain. Tollywood is known for being a hero-dominated industry, where even lesser-known Hero’s display attitude regardless of the number of flops they have.
Do they have the guts to implement such rules?