Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Kejriwal granted bail in the Delhi liquor scam case on Thursday. The Rouse Avenue Court had on Thursday reserved its order on Kejriwal’s plea seeking regular bail in the liquor case. Later, the court granted bail to the accused. The court had imposed a condition of furnishing a bond and a surety of Rs 1 lakh while granting bail, but the ED had sought suspension of the order for 48 hours till it goes in appeal. Fees was arrested by the ED on March 21 on charges of money laundering in the liquor scam case. Kejriwal had challenged his arrest in the Supreme Court, which granted him interim bail to campaign for the Lok Sabha elections. After the elections, Kejriwal again surrendered in Tihar Jail on June 2. He has applied for bail and was granted bail today.
Big Breaking News:Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal granted bail
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