On the occasion of Akkineni Nageswara Rao’s (ANR) centenary celebrations, renowned actor Balakrishna expressed his thoughts through social media. He stated that ANR will remain in our hearts forever, and the unforgettable roles he played as well as his invaluable contributions to Telugu cinema will always be cherished. On this centenary occasion, let us all express our gratitude for the immense services he rendered to the Telugu film industry. Balakrishna mentioned that ANR’s journey from theater to films is an inspiration to everyone, and he is a symbol of hard work and determination. expressed his thoughts through social media. He stated that ANR will remain in our hearts forever, and the unforgettable roles he played as well as his invaluable contributions to Telugu cinema will always be cherished. On this centenary occasion, let us all express our gratitude for the immense services he rendered to the Telugu film industry. Balakrishna mentioned that ANR’s journey from theater to films is an inspiration to everyone, and he is a symbol of hard work and determination.
“Balakrishna” paid tributes to “Akkineni Nageshwer Rao”
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