The sexual assault case in Badlapur has taken a new turn, igniting a political debate in Maharashtra. Hoardings celebrating Deputy Chief Minister ‘Devendra Fadnavis’ were raised throughout Mumbai after the accused was shot dead after stealing a police officer’s firearm. The posters depict Mr. Fadnavis brandishing a rifle; there is no organization mentioned under it.. BJP asserted that the goal of our coalition administration is to defend the electorate that put us in office. Akshay Shinde ( 24)was charged with sexually assaulting two minor girls while working as a sweeper at a Badlapur school. Retaliatory firing resulted in the death of Shinde and an assistant Inspector got injured. The Opposition questioned the law and order situation in the state. Badlapur sexual assault case has emerged as a topic of discussion in the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly Elections.
Badlapur encounter
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