Athira Raj expresses admiration for Allu Arjun and Sai Pallavi, citing them as her favorite actors. Hailing from Kerala, her passion for acting led her to pursue it as a career. Inspired by her uncle Padmanabhan, who appeared in Malayalam soap operas, Athira Raj grew up watching Allu Arjun’s performances. She cherished the opportunity to act alongside Satyadev in the film “Krishnamma,” shot in the vicinity of Vijayawada. Grateful for the warmth and support of the Telugu people, she earned her role through auditions and is delighted by the response. A classically trained dancer, Athira Raj ventured into music albums during her degree and gained acclaim in Kerala. She ventured into acting in Tamil cinema with the film “Amigo Garage” as a Veeran and is now set to star alongside Raj Tharun in a Telugu film. Expressing her desire to act in impactful films beyond Telugu and Tamil, Athira Raj emphasizes her aspiration for meaningful roles that bring recognition. Heroine Athira Raj echoes similar sentiments, expressing her eagerness to contribute to films that leave a lasting impact.
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