Director Ram Gopal Varma used X to express his reaction.These days he has no opinion on any incidents, despite the fact that the majority of the film industry has been silent since Kannada actor Darshan was arrested in connection with an alleged murder case. He also discussed how star worship might get a bit out of control in India, without naming the actor. On June 11, Bengaluru police detained actors Darshan and Pavitra on suspicion of killing a fan named Renuka Swamy.Renuka Swamy is said to have texted Pavitra abusively after the actress revealed on Instagram that she and the actor had been together for ten years. Darshan already married to Vijayalakshmi in 2003.Upon discovering the messages from Pavitra, Darshan is said to have sought Raghavendra, the leader of his fan club in Chitradurga, to arrange for Renukaswamy to be brought to Bengaluru. On June 8, Renukaswamy’s body was disposed of in a drain close to Summanahalli, according to the police. He was thereafter brought to a shed in RR Nagar, where he was attacked and killed.
After the TDP alliance took power, Ramgopal Varma returned to Twitter, but this time for Sandalwood
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