A major breakthrough is expected in the phone tapping case. The SIT is learnt to have seized the hard disks from the house of Ravi Kumar, chairman of Innovation Lab, which provided technical support to SIB. The company’s chairman, Ravi Kumar, carried out searches at his offices in Bengaluru and Hyderabad and took away five mini devices and hard disks from the Innovation Lab office three times. The statements of the lab representatives were also recorded at that time.But, it has come to light that SIT has also amassed a collection of hard drives that are concealed within Ravikumar’s home. It is previously known that Praneeth Rao, the suspected phone tapper, used this lab’s assistance. It has also been established that Ravikumar was instrumental in setting up a small lab control room in three districts in addition to the homes of opposition leaders. Excitement was present. Will there be an inquiry into Ravikumar?
A major breakthrough in phone tapping case