Creative Director Krishna Vamshi unveiled Naa Uchvasam Kavanam curtain raiser program as a tribute to legendary lyricist Sirivennela Seetharamashastri. Ram acted as the executive producer of this program under the management of Sruthilaya Foundation. This program reveals the innermost feelings of Sirivennela’.It will be aired on ETV every Sunday at 9.30 am. Recently the curtain raiser event of Na Uchvasam Kavanam was held in Hyderabad. Famous Director Krishna Vamshi attended this event and released the teaser. Krishnavamshi said – I know Sitarama Shastri for a long time.I always Consider my self that his introduction brought me to luck.
Before starting of any of my new Film, I got a habit of meeting him and discuss about the songs . I have been trying to start my new film since six months.,but i could not make up my mind.Due to Shastri gari absence i am feeling sometime like an orphan. I am thankful to Shriram and Parthasaradhi for such a good program.
Krishna Vamshi unveiled Naa uchvasam Kavanam curtain raiser program as a tribute to legendary lyricist Sirivennela Seetharamashastri
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